60 – Ken Adgate – King of the Tacks

We get into it with Ken Adgate, a man with fingers in many pies. Shredder, board builder, un/official test rider for Ozone and Mikeslab and gas guzzling car dealership owner in the US of A.

We’ve been fans from a far of Kens for a long while, and if you’ve not seen footage of him riding yet you will be soon enough too.

We hit the big time though after Ken listened to a few episodes and actually enjoyed them – he’s very picky with his podcast listening it seems. We won him over with our jovial english abuse. He started following us on the gram and is officially the first interviewee who’s also a supporter of the pod!

Ken teaches Freddie how to tack like a champ, before he gets into some techy board building chat with Liam……..

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