Episode List
Go on, have a little listen. Be warned: It has been known to make grown men laugh out loud mid gym session. Why our friend was listening to us in the gym we don’t quite know…
If you’re new to our podcasts and want to start from the beginning…..the early ones weren’t quite the polished masterpieces we put out nowadays so stick with it.
67 – Child’s Play / Like taking candy from a baby
Some more childish banter in response to some comments made online recently that we thought needed addressing……. There is...
66 – Wieger Buurma No.2 – Appletree’s New Appleslice V3
We welcome Wieger back finally, after chatting to him way back at the start of 2023. His best selling...
65 – Old Olympians that foil
Ben Rhodes and Stevie Morrison join us this week for a couple beers in Liams flat. They partnered together...
64 – Pure Journalism
Multiple sessions this week just gone, we’ve had some great powered conditions to play in! Jezza’s traffic light power...
63 – The three amigos ft. Jeremy Wilmotte
It’d been too long, we’ve been overdue a good chat with our man over in Aus. Today Jeremy joins...
62 – Kane De Wilde
Kane shouldn’t need an introduction – he’s been around long enough in the foiling space, producing hugely popular after...
61 – Sunday Chinwags – Opinions are like Arseholes, everyones got one
After Ken’s episode blew up last week, we’re back with a nice chilled Sunday evening chat. Plenty to discuss...
60 – Ken Adgate – King of the Tacks
We get into it with Ken Adgate, a man with fingers in many pies. Shredder, board builder, un/official test...